Note about YelpCamp: Styling Campgrounds Lecture


Hi Everyone,
It has been brought to my attention that in the next lecture there's a slight editing fluke.
At 5:11 Colt adds a row div with an h3 that says: "Our Most Popular Campgrounds", but when he "heads back over" at 5:19 it's gone.

This isn't anything major, but I created this note to alleviate any potential confusion caused by the glitch.

You can leave the h3 element in there or remove it if you like.

Also, at around 3 minutes and 40 seconds into the video Colt uses the class name btn-large to style the bootstrap button. The class name should actually be: btn-lg

Also, be sure to use bootstrap 3.3.x as version 4 has syntax differences and using it will break your project's layout. If you want to migrate from version 3 to 4 after completing the app then checkout this video.

Course TA

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